
Take Me With You

We are not here because we have lost something or someone.

We are all here because we have lost everything.

We are all here because we have been stripped from our humanity.

Its only when you have lost your common sense that you are actually useful in war. Its better to not have something at all, because in the moment that bullet reaches the barrel, slashes through the never ending snow and finally tears apart your skin like a dog does with a piece of meat, you will keep going. You wont feel it at all. To stay alive in here, you must greet death. You must embrace death. You must love death.

With time, we all learn this.

I use to dread this moment. Those minutes behind the gates that you are just waiting to go out there and unleash hell to everything and everyone. Those minutes behind the gates that you are just waiting for the final breath of your lungs be taken away from you.

In these peaceful moments, everyone is focused, locked away in their own, private world of solace and comfort.

We memorize the eyes and faces of those who surround us and we take those images with us.
They change everyday. They are never the same. But you will never forget them. For you know they might be the last thing you remember of this life.

However, if by a cruel joke of fate you survive another unholy skirmish, those eyes and faces stay with you only during the day.

During the night they are supplanted by those eyes and faces of those youve killed. You hear them scream in your dreams, taunting you, waiting for you to join em. They pity you, because they know they are safe now. They have paid there debt to this Earth and now they are free.

And then there's you. You are still open to all the transgressions of this Earth. I wish that i didnt just embraced death. I wish that she had taken me with her.

Deep in my prayer for this to be my last day in this world, I barely notice the kid in front of me.

He is so young.
He could be my son.
A tear starts rolling down his cheek.
We are only seconds away now.

60 seconds.

I take a out a piece of paper.

30 seconds.

I write down my wish to him.

20 seconds.

I give the piece of paper to him.

10 seconds.

He reads it back to me.

"Die tonight, Live forever.''

5 seconds

He smiles at me.

3 seconds.

Most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

2 seconds.


1 second.

I Greet Death.

This time, she takes me with her.

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