
My Life Hinges On A Test

Con un poco de pena, dolor y nerviosismo admito que nunca habia trabajado o esforzado tanto en algo escolar en mi vida como para el examen extraodinario de matematicas I.

Toda la semana pasada mi vida se trato de eso. No vi a Denise. No saque a Docca. Convivi lo minimo con mi familia (alomejor eso fue una especie de premio, no lo se).

Tuve dos escapes.
Grauacion de mi prima en el IMAN.

OK, Transformers es una peli de accion mediocre a lo mucho (y llega un momento donde la justificacion de: "Wey, pero es Megan Fox," puede hartarte). La verdad habia momentos en la pelicula donde me encontraba repasando el orden de las operaciones o las leyes de exponentes.

Y eso nos deja con la graduacion del IMAN. Le agradezco a mi prima que la invitacion me ayudo mucho a apreciar la graduacion de la secundaria que yo tuve. Un repaso de la graduacion del IMAN:

Me Sente.
Me Dormi.

Lo unico bueno de la graduacion del IMAN, es su after (el del año pasado facilmente entra en la lista de las 4 horas de mi vida que no involucro pisto, y no porque no hubiera, mas divertidas de mi vida,) y por tener asesorias, no pude ir.

Todavia en la clase me marca samuel y me pregunta: wey, ya llegue, vas a venir?

Una llamada que merece una mencion en most-painful-calls-that-you-recieved-that-didnt-involve-someone-dying list.

En fin, la noche del examen dormi casi exactamente una hora y media. Apesar de un sinfin de clases, repasadas y ejercicios, la verdad es que dudo que pase. Y la verdad estoy cagado del miedo.

No se porque estoy escribiendo esto pero no he podido dormir en un rato, y estoy descubriendo que esto me calma un poco. O por lo menos me ayuda a dormir.


It's decided.

I want to be a Sportswriter.

(Remember to hold on to this thought for the next ten years.)


yyyy sigo estudiando mate.

(Estoy en la compu buscando en internet la formula general.)






Recuerdo sentirme fuera de lugar.


Ha sido divertido. El nunca imaginarme que algun dia acabaria ahi me intimido. Pero es lo mismo. Lo recordare por el lugar en el que nunca quise estar. Y por el lugar que ahora no puedo dejar. En un año he conocido a algunos de los personajes mas interesantes de mi vida. No estaria escribiendo si hubiera estado en otro lugar. Pero, al final, es lo que es. Y no vale la pena.

Y todavia me siento fuera de lugar.
I really think I would be well enough alone. Just Enough

Silverstein - A Shipwreck in the Sand

Once upon a time
Before the lakes and rivers were polluted
Before the animals were poached to extinction
And before man had destroyed the earth's atmosphere
There was a great ship.
This vessel was to venture into new waters
To find new resources, to make life easier and more enjoyable.
It was a simple mission for the crew
Who were excited to be a part of this union
They pledged their allegiance to the captain
And vowed to be there no matter whatIn sickness, health, and possible death
As time passed by, there was no new land to be found
As the days grew shorter
And the nights grew longer and colder
The crew became more and more skeptical about the captain's vision
Originally passionate and committed true and faithful
They now began to revolt.
This dream is now
A shipwreck in the sand
They gave up, they made all their demands
The storm consumed fifty seven souls
Who died in vain, his love they stole
This union, a battle fought and lost
This union is not about the cause
This union was never about love.

It Was So Much More.

Silverstein, A shipwreck in the sand, 2009 , Shane Told.
De Regreso a Coyoacan.


3 - THREE - 3

Elhart Christian High School

Friday Night.

September 27th.

Its been a month since her death. High School Football is about to start, and for those who think Indiana is basketball country, you have been mislead. Indiana has a really strong football tradition, and Elhart is one of those towns where the insignificant dreams of their teenagers unfold between the hedges of Plainview Muncipal Stadium.

A perennial winner in the states 4A division, the Saints of ECHS havent lost in 19 games. However, tonights game holds a special glow to it. The deaths of the pastor daughters have shaken up the whole county. Its been everywhere. The local newspaper, The Elhart - American, ran about 6 cover stories on it. Talk in the diner revolved around it. Jeduthams house was flooded with flowers, candies, everything. People know shit about the case, so they jump into stupid conclusions. It was suicide. One of the cops did it. It was me. They know nothing. Todays game is a chance for everyone to forget it, at least for a couple hours. Its a chance for many to live a normal life again for just a part of their days. So much is riding on this one

The Saints are coming.
They are playing a team down from LaGrange. Its a big, good, disciplined team.

By halftmie ECHS trail 21 - 3.
tomorrow im gonna be my very best.