
Family Feud

Today at 7 eastern the Tennessee Titans try to keep their playoff hopes alive against the San Diego Chargers.

Now, if you know me at all, you certainly know one thing about my family.

We bleed football. Its a part of us that you cant take away from us, because we simply wouldnt be the same.

Now, to people outside of Tennessee and San Diego (and a few middle age, divorced alcoholics in Vegas) this game means nothing.

But see, in my house, my brother and father root for the Chargers.

I root for the Titans for as long as I can remeber (and LOATHE the fucking Chargers. Youre damn right i went all caps in that one.)

The collective pride and rivarly in sports between the three of us is bigger than amount of pot Cobain smoked in the Nevermind Tour.

So, yeah, it is kind of the end of the world if Tennessee loses.

1 comentario:

  1. So it was basically a recreation of 2012 for you, huh? I'm waiting for my tacos . . . I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN.
