
My brother and I got in a fight today. Not just one of youre regular "shove n' dash" classics but a real, WWF meets UFC fight.

We do these once every few months. Its always good to spar for a few rounds while youre parents are christmas shopping. Dunno, keeps the brotherhood spirit going i guess.

Anyway, this things usually start for the most insanelyidiotic (yes, one word),stupid, peeing-against-the-wind kinda reasons. Then comes the pushing n screaming, then followed by my brother realizing, Hey, what the fuck! Im no longer half his size and 10 pounds lighter! (Man, DO i miss those days.)

And boom. Im telling you, when you fight the same guy over and over during 12 years its pretty cool when you both kinda know what youre gonna do next. But its pretty frustrating when you cant stop it, (like USC vs Texas in th 06 Rose Bowl when everyone in the whole stadium knew Vince Young would run it 4th and 5 and yet USC could not stop him for the kazillionth time.)

We ended up going at it for about 10 minutes, finishing in his room when we fell down again, only this time we hit his guitar and smashed it to pieces. High comedy, I say. Not for him, of course. Well, point is, this things are escalating to a whole new dimension. In previous years we usually didnt punch each other (we are brothers, after all) but nowadays, its like pacquiao - cotto only in my living room. Fact is, its pretty even now, unlike 4 or 5 years ago when i could keep an eye on the football game and still submit him Chris Benoit style.

The funniest part is when we both get winded, we stop fighting and retreat to our corners, not talking or seeing each other for two hours, and when i go looking for some ice (he got me below the eye pretty good) finding him also looking for ice for his lip.

Family values in their hightest point.

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